

2024 Jan 20th

Staphylococcus aureus, commonly known as "Staph," is a type of bacteria that is found on the skin and in the noses of approximately one-third of the human population. While it is typically harmless, certain strains of Staph can cause infections, ranging from minor skin infections to potentially life-threatening infections such as pneumonia or sepsis.

To mitigate the risk of Staph infections, it is essential to practice good hygiene and use antimicrobial products where possible. BEST LINENS, a trusted provider of high-quality bedding, has developed a Staph pillow check program to ensure that their pillows are free from the harmful bacteria.

The Staph pillow check program involves a rigorous screening process, during which each pillow is tested for the presence of Staph bacteria. If any pillows are found to be contaminated, they are immediately removed from circulation and properly sanitized to eliminate any remaining bacteria.

In addition to their Staph pillow check program, BEST LINENS also offers a wide selection of antimicrobial bedding products, including pillowcases, sheets, and duvet covers. These products are designed to inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms, helping to ensure a safe and healthy sleeping environment.

By prioritizing the safety and well-being of their customers, BEST LINENS has established themselves as a leader in the bedding industry. Their commitment to quality and hygiene sets them apart from their competitors, and their Staph pillow check program is just one example of the company's dedication to excellence.